Revision History & OS Installation Addons - EasyDCIM v1.4.2

Magic of Revision History & OS Installation Addons

There is one essential problem arising from owning a single, extensive data center or multiple but rather weakly coordinated server rooms – keeping track of the constant exchange of information may prove to be a bit of a challenge. Even spreadsheet programs have a hard time with standing up to the task since the data stored are usually no longer up-to-date, their accessibility limited to a few staff members only, or the rules of updating not properly standardized. And this is exactly when EasyDCIM - futuristic software aimed at assisting teams in harmonious maintenance of data centers - comes to rescue. So how does the EasyDCIM magic work in practice? For the sake of quick demonstration, let us consider the following scenario. Several admins are simultaneously using EasyDCIM within one data center to perform various operations like for example creating new devices and editing their properties. One of these admins – why won’t we call him Greg Allen, has just been instructed by the orders department to get ready the Dell PowerEdge R320 server for the person named Chris Schwarz. The server was successfully set up, added to the system, and assigned to the client so that it would be later on easier to identify. After that, Greg Allen moved on to placing the device in the appropriate location and assigned it to a specific rack cabinet in the system. All of the changes Greg has made with relation to the device up to this point were meticulously chronicled in the Revision History section of the EasyDCIM control panel. Owing to the precise documentation, every other admin will now be able to preview: when the last modification took place, what exact field was altered, what the previous value of the field was, to what value the field was changed, who updated the field. Consider the Revision History an in-depth report which allows you to trace the entire life line of any device from the very moment of its addition as well as preview the list of such detailed information as the date, name of the admin and the exact changes connected with every single interaction made. Concluding, equipped with this invaluable knowledge, admins will be empowered in managing their data centers now more than ever before. One more novel option of grave significance was introduced to EasyDCIM v1.4.2 alongside the Revision History, and that is the possibility to synchronize installation addons between NOC-PS and EasyDCIM. You have probably been often compelled to install also other software like Plesk, cPanel or DirectAdmin in addition to your operating system - rather a bothersome necessity than a fun ride, was it not? It is for this very reason that EasyDCIM again extends a helpful hand to all data center users, letting them to fully automatize the entire process of adding various elements to the system. The addons are divided into the following 5 types: first boot - run during the first boot of the operating system, pre-installation - run before the installation of the operating system, post-installation - run after the installation of the operating system, disk layout - determining the specific disk partitioning, packages - determining the specific installation packages for a given system such as e.g. OpenSSH server, apache2, MySQL server. Since every addon is assigned to a particular operating system by means of a tag, those addons which are incompatible with users’ operating system will simply become unavailable for choosing. From storing priceless data on your network devices to harmonizing installation addons, all in one fell swoop – not until you have put these two slick options to good use will you notice how game-changing they can be for your business. Let EasyDCIM v1.4.2 spark off the Admin Experience you had long hoped for! See also: Automatic Network Devices Discovery in Action Explore the full changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
Network Auto Discovering - EasyDCIM v1.4.2

Automatic Network Devices Discovery in Action

Have you ever thought how modern data networks, given their continual growth in complexity, consist of hardware coming from more and more different providers? Over time, this ever-stronger trend has made it crucial for the administrators to invest in an automatic instrument that will be not only convenient to the max, but equally resource-friendly at once. This has, in turn, translated into a considerable gain in popularity of the SNMP protocol. Since 1988, when the management capability has been brought into the TCP/IP based network, the SNMP protocol has become a quality standard most frequently used to handle the networks effectively. Nearly all network equipment providers ensure the SNMP support as an inherent part of their services. The central advantage of this very protocol is no doubt its simplicity – SNMP delivers a set of essential functionalities that are both quick to install and easy to use later on. In all probability, most data center owners have faced the trauma of adding network devices at least once in their career. The mechanism is no easy task, considering its arduous and time-consuming nature. The configuration of the SNMP protocol on each device might take several hours, and then there is the hassle of adding every single device to EasyDCIM. *Sigh* Happily, we have recently rolled out a grand new EasyDCIM v1.4.2 that will save you the headache of manual device addition once and for all – time to put Automatic Network Devices Discovery into a high-powered effect! To realize the power of this new functionality in full measure, imagine that you have several dozens of network devices with the same SNMP configuration. All devices work under the single subnetwork The network contains 256 hosts, each to be added separately. While this process would not be probably a tricky business to do, it most certainly would be labor-intensive. And there is nothing that does more wonders for the Admin Experience than a feature greatly reducing the work time and effort needed to complete a vital task. Automatic Network Devices Discovery has been implemented to EasyDCIM for the sake of, as its name implies, letting you detect devices in the entire subnetwork with no sweat. All you have to do is fill in the first field of a form with the subnetwork address in the CIDR structure (e.g., and specify the data required to connect with the SNMP protocol. Easy as pie! Your system will then be able to automatically detect all the IP addresses in a given network and add the relevant Discovery Jobs. Owing to precise statistics accessible in the upper right corner of the screen, you will trace the progress in the execution of each task in a completely hassle-free way. Any single detected device will be added to your application in an instant, enabling you to proceed with its configuration within mere minutes. Every new release of EasyDCIM is oriented towards the ultimate objective of further enhancing the widely understood Admin Experience. In the 1.4.2 version, we have implemented quick access to such installed system addons as IP Address Management, DNS Management or OS Installation. With it, you can enter any addon activated in EasyDCIM in a split second, using the Modules section available in the side menu. Nothing better reveals how much new potential your business is yet to unlock by welcoming the processes automation than Automatic Network Devices Discovery. With it, you can banish the disturbing thought of any grueling processes from your mind completely! Surely it will not surprise us now, if this clever new feature has whetted your appetite for more thrilling opportunities brought by EasyDCIM v1.4.2. Do not think twice and satisfy your innovation cravings up to the hilt! Explore the full changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.4.2 Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.4.2 – Shaping The Future

Not so long ago we have made you - the major driving force behind our ever-expanding data center control panel, a sincere promise. More specifically, we have come up with a formula destined to continuously reinforce Admin Experience with every new EasyDCIM version released: intuitive interface → ease and speed of use → more tasks completed within less time. Because we never go back on our word, we have just subjected our software into close scrutiny to perk its structure up and keep that very promise. We proudly present the results of this ambitious venture – the comprehensively revitalized EasyDCIM v1.4.2! Let us take you on a journey through the most noteworthy modifications which will ensure maximum efficiency of your panel without losing even a bit of quality. EasyDCIM v1.4.2 will safeguard the utmost Admin Experience with a few hefty functionalities. Probably the most practical of them is the revamped Network Auto Discovering option empowering you to add all devices within your network at one go by means of an SNMP protocol. Say goodbye to the times when you had to type in the IP addresses manually! Wouldn’t you like to keep track of all the changes introduced to your devices and know the answer to all nagging questions: who, what, when and where? Now imagine you can have this whole wisdom focused in one place labeled as Revision History! There are many functionalities worth mentioning, but we shall confine this brief guide to one more, and that is IMPI Console VPN Instructions. If you want to instruct your clients on how to connect to VPN and download the Java console without tones of operations and rerouting, this is just what the doctor ordered! Just fill in four fields added in the configuration form of the IPMI connection exactly for this purpose and go easy from now on. It looks like our bag of novelties is bottomless since we still have a few aces up our sleeve! Among the tidbits that will send shivers down your spine you will discover for example a must-have functionality for auto-detecting VLANs on Cisco devices and a handful of improvements brought into your favorite EasyDCIM modules which jumped at the opportunity and picked up some freshening-up too: OS Installation For EasyDCIM 1.2.0 has been boosted with a possibility to select several install addons while installing a new OS as well as synchronize them from NOC-PS to EasyDCIM, IP Address Management For EasyDCIM 1.5.2 has been charged with two widgets resulting in a more transparent display of IP addresses in the subnet and a device's summary view. It would ruin the whole fun if we disclosed all the spicy secrets of EasyDCIM v1.4.2 right away, wouldn’t it? You know where to look for the rest – a magical place called the changelog! Go to changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.4.1 Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.4.1 – Faster Means Better

Some say that nothing should be done in haste but gripping a flea. We can agree that in most situations you should avoid unnecessary rush, but how to reconcile a pervasive multitasking with the ever-growing pace of life? What if you could eliminate the hurry from your work completely? You can think it is easier said than done, we say - not really! Our latest EasyDCIM v1.4.1 will make this possible. The several new, really clever features will help you save a lot of your precious time... and nerves. :) The centerpiece of this version is the capability to Mass Edit/Delete items and attributes in various tables, related, but not limited to inventory, servers, items, locations or users! You will no longer spend more time than it is absolutely necessary to control and update your data center assets. Changing the status of 500 devices in 5 seconds? You got this! Removing dozens of unnecesary spare parts in a few clicks? Nothing easier! Examples are endless, but you will surely find the best purpose for these new functionalities on your own. Just check the desired records, click on the "With Selected" dropdown menu on the right side and pick the mass action you with to perform. Choose from the dynamically loaded set of fields available for modifying and set their new value. That's it - works like a charm! We have also prepared something to let you expand the possibilities of EasyDCIM even further. The brand new Sample Module will help you understand the structure of modules used in the system, learn how to install and run them successfully, but above all, create your own modules with ease! For instance, you can hook up to easydcim.deleted: device event with the module and fire up any action like sending an email/SMS notification or deleting the related devices. What is more, we have updated and standardized the list of system events so you can fully exploit the possibilities of EasyDCIM through custom modifications. We can also tailor the system's behavior to your preferences - just let us know if you need any assistance in this matter. Our widget has been updated too! Now you will never miss the key information about your EasyDCIM license. Is there anything else that may interest you about new EasyDCIM v1.4.1? Of course there is! Actually, there are - many more fresh functionalities and facilitations. Just visit our website for more and do not forget to see the changelog! Go to changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.3.1 vs. 1.4.0

Perfect timing to progress

Differences between EasyDCIM v1.3.1 and v1.4.0 are clearly visible to the naked eye. While many of them expand the functionalities of the system, the most important ones are oriented towards your daily experience with our system. The latest EasyDCIM will let you fine-tune its behavior to your needs and achieve the same goals with little to none effort. See for yourself! One of the most vivid examples of change is the feature used on a daily basis by many administrators. So far, adding a completely new device to EasyDCIM required you to go through multiple sections and tabs related to e.g. model and type. The whole process was quite time-consuming. Now, you can do everything in a simple form without the necessity to set up a dozen of parameters in many sections. Define the type, choose/create the model, name your device, set the IP address and you are ready to go. The whole operation is 3 times less time than before! Another novelty worth mentioning is dynamic table columns. Before EasyDCIM v1.4.0, you were allowed to display only a previously predefined set of columns. You were not able to modify this set or display numerous data columns, as simply there was not enough space on the screen to show them so we presented you only a small piece of all available information. This state of affairs has been thoroughly changed. Now you can decide which information should be displayed on the screen in each section and choose from over a hundred options! For instance, you can enjoy easy access to the new server data like: Last Day Traffic Last Month Traffic Serial Number Manufacturer Position ...and many more! [embed][/embed] What else has changed in the latest EasyDCIM? Honestly, every single section! Keep your eyes wide open and do not forget to let us know what you think about the direction into which our system is currently developing. Learn more about EasyDCIM v1.4.0 - the evolution of revolution! EasyDCIM then and now - see the comparison between v1.3.1 and v1.4.0
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM - Then And Now

EasyDCIM – Then And Now

EasyDCIM has undergone radical changes over the past few months - not only in its very core, but also in the offered functionalities and the UI, of course. All these alterations have a common factor which is the constant striving to improve our system and thereby let you manage your data center with the utmost ease. If we can change EasyDCIM to help you save even a couple of minutes a day, we will! Since actions speak louder than words do, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. We would like to show you why and how the latest EasyDCIM v1.4.0 has changed in the comparison to the previous version 1.3.1, as well as the way it affects Admin Experience and the business results you achieve at the end of the day. Our menu will have the first fire. We have changed it because it was too small, hard to navigate and not working fast enough. It has been redesigned to be easier to use and much faster. We have also added the list of quick actions, allowing you to perform frequently used operations with no hassle. [easyrotator]erc_49_1504105742[/easyrotator] Next, the forms which have been basically rewritten. They are now optimized, much more transparent and include examples. Time-saving effect during daily activities guaranteed! [easyrotator]erc_81_1504107546[/easyrotator] We have created a completely new, fully responsive design for EasyDCIM. Regardless of what mobile device you currently hold in your hands, our fresh UI will assure effortless navigation and your comfort of use. [easyrotator]erc_94_1504107962[/easyrotator] The differences are really impressive, aren't they? [easyrotator]erc_10_1504108695[/easyrotator] While the entire system has been redesigned, we would like to bring the new dashboard and fonts to your attention. Now your single pane of glass is not only well organized, but also very clear thanks to changing the font from Open Sans to Roboto. [easyrotator]erc_17_1504108293[/easyrotator] The admin area in EasyDCIM is based on fully customizable widgets. We have relocated their action menu to the upper right corner and enhanced widgets' behavior. You will no longer miss anything! [easyrotator]erc_30_1504108529[/easyrotator] Last but not least, the breadcrumbs. We have standardized their presence in EasyDCIM and adjusted their display to clearly inform you about your current position in our control panel. These are just the highlights of some of the changes introduced in new EasyDCIM v1.4.0. Hope you find them really useful. One thing is certain. Now, you will spend much less time to achieve the same results. This is what we call a great boost in Admin Experience! What do you think about the recent enhancements? Do you have any idea of what we could improve in the next versions? Let us know in the comment section below! Have not heard about EasyDCIM v1.4.0 yet? Time to catch up with the novelties!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.4.0 Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.4.0 – The evolution of revolution!

To stand still is to move back. No matter the circumstances, there is always a room for improvement. Duh! Even for sweeping changes - a quantum leap in Admin Experience! We listen very carefully to your priceless comments and we value our common talks about EasyDCIM dearly. We believe that a great system is the perfect combination of our collective ideas and experiences. In one of our recent publications we have mentioned that running your own data center is a challenging task - that is true. But together we will make it really simple and trouble-free! How can we achieve that? With a true milestone in the history of our control panel named proudly EasyDCIM v1.4.0! Undoubtedly, you are now wondering what is so extraordinary in the latest version of EasyDCIM that made us call this release groundbreaking. Starting with v1.3.0, we initiated a fresh approach to further development of our system - focused clearly on the way you interact with EasyDCIM and the way it influences your daily work. How you use it to achieve your goals, the way it helps you overcome business problems and the time you spend to make desired things happen. This is our target, to make your business day much more productive! Under the banners of Admin Experience and v1.4.0 we have: Redesigned the UI of the entire system - making it much more user-friendly and intuitive Prepared new, fully responsive design for mobile devices Improved performance and reduced loading time of pages Added fresh features related to e.g. item types, VLANs, automation, orders, and servers Enhanced many technical aspects of the system These are just the highlights of the most important changes and we are well aware of the fact that you would love to learn more, and you definitely will! In the upcoming days, we will prepare a few more Blog articles about new, ingenious functionalities introduced in the EasyDCIM v1.4.0, like the brand new menu with updated navigation, enhanced forms, adding devices, usability improvements, design changes and more! Last but not least, we have also released two new versions of our modules: OS Installation For EasyDCIM 1.1.0 with tons of new features mostly designed for the NOC-PS submodule IP Address Management For EasyDCIM 1.5.1 with updated subnet & pool summary and several improvements connected strictly with IP subnets Before this article becomes way too long, just check out some of the hottest screenshots of EasyDCIM v1.4.0 below and visit our changelog to learn more! Eager to perform the update of your current installation? Download our free Updater Script or simply ask our Team for assistance. As always, stay tuned for more information and Blog articles coming out soon. Do not forget to share your feedback about your new EasyDCIM! [easyrotator]erc_57_1502897395[/easyrotator] See The Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.3.1 Release
Release Notes

Management made clever with EasyDCIM v1.3.1!

Running your own data center is a challenging task but taking absolute control over it is a truly hard one. Thankfully, the new EasyDCIM is here to make your life much easier! Our fully featured control panel needs no introduction, but a brief mention about the latest functionalities introduced in version 1.3.1 will surely intrigue you. EasyDCIM now supports device bays that represent the capability of a parent device to store the child devices. For instance, 4 bays can be created and assigned to a single blade server of the height of 2U. Bays can be sorted freely according to requirements. The next novelty is support for non-racked devices of the height of 0U assigned to the rack. We have also facilitated the management of racks as well as enabled your customers to view all the IP addresses and subnets assigned to their devices directly in the client area. Of course, new EasyDCIM v1.3.1 has much more to offer in terms of new features and interesting changes. One of these changes is represented by refreshed IP Address Management For EasyDCIM 1.5.0 with a new gamut of possibilities. The updated module will allow you to assign multiple devices and VLANs to IP subnets, split IP subnets upon choosing a relevant mask and access detailed summary. A must-have tool, no doubts! To cap off our post, we would like to present you the latest screenshots of new functionalities that you will not find anywhere else, and invite you to visit our changelog to learn more about EasyDCIM v1.3.1! [gallery size="medium" link="file" ids="1017,1016,1018,1020,1019,1021"] Go To Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.4.0 Sneak Peek
Release Notes

A little sneak peek of EasyDCIM v1.4.0!

Attention! This article contains release spoilers. You are reading it on your own risk! Before we proceed to the main course, we would like to highlight the release of EasyDCIM v1.3.1 that will take place within no longer than a week! The upcoming edition of our system will be equipped with many improvements under the sign of Admin Experience, including but not limited to support for device bays or non-racked devices and various display enhancements that will make your daily work much easier and much faster. What is more, we will also release the next version of IP Address Management For EasyDCIM module with several completely new features like subnet splitting or assigning multiple devices to subnets. More info will show up really soon so stay tuned! Turning to the subject of EasyDCIM v1.4.0, we could have summarized it with a brief statement - it's time to beautify! Having the above in mind, our team is working really hard to make your experience with EasyDCIM way more pleasant and efficient. Therefore we will redesign its whole UI! Take a look at the first preview of the upcoming update and... expect the unexpected as these screenshots are just the beta version of the new design! [gallery size="medium" link="file" ids="954,955,957"] Let us know what you think about the new interface in the comment section below and please summon up a little patience until the version 1.4.0 is ready to launch :)
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga


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